PhD társadalomkutató
PhD habil. egyetemi docens, mentálhigiénés szakember, hospice- és gyásztanácsadó
Abstract · Perinatal losses tend to become a phenomenon of complicated grief, a burden for the parents, for their families and for the helping professionals, yet it is a little studied topic. Our aim is to systematically review the literature concerning the grief experienced by the health care staff, caused by perinatal loss to present an overall picture of the international and national attitudes and existing solutions. The importance and complexity of the problem need greater attention, the existence of active and up-to-date programmes on all professional levels.
Abstract · From birth onwards our life is full of changes. At times, change brings loss and loss begets grief. The experience of loss varies among individuals, as does bereavement. Implied therein is not only the difference between normal and complicated grief reactions, but also the distinctive difficulties of psychiatric patients in dealing with loss. The present study offers a review of the sparse literature concerning the unique characteristics of mourning and grief among psychiatric patients.
pszichológus, családterapeuta
osztályvezető főorvos, palliatív orvos
Abstract · The Act CLIV of 1997 on Health care and Statute 117/1998 (VI.16.) grants patients in Hungary the autonomy to decide what interventions to accept and what to refuse. A person with self determination may draw up a personal directive in advance for a possible, future incapacitated condition in the form of a legal document to refuse certain medical treatments. This document, also known as a living will, may ensure that the requests of patients with advanced, progressive chronic diseases are pursued. A thorough medical consultation is suggested when drawing up a living will. A best practice of this consultation process is presented in the article, based on the authors' exprience at the Hospice-Palliative Department of the National Korányi Pulmonology Institute.
irodalomtörténész (PhD)
Abstract · The oeuvre of the great Hungarian poet and novelist, Mihály Babits (1883-1941) was influenced by the search for the sense of death and transience. This was partly due to his philosophical figure and due to his illnesses, all these reminding him to the end of human life. In my essay, I deal with his way of thinking about death, with regard to its changing representation captured in some of his characteristic literary works.