gyermekgyógyász, onkológus, hematológus szakorvos, palliatív orvos,
MHPE alelnök
Hospice és Palliatív Ellátás Szakmai Kollégiumi Tagozat titkár,
Tábitha Gyermekhospice orvosigazgató
pszichológus, gyásztanácsadó, gyermek relaxációs csoportvezető, meseterapeuta
nyugalmazott főnővér, okleveles ápoló, hospice szakápoló
Abstract · In the last few years in Hungary, the approval and reputation of children’s hospice care and its institutions have significantly improved in view of professionals and civil society. The international rules and norms were integrated into the children’s hospice care system from the very beginning (IMPaCCT standards), and rules and acts were created in line with these to ensure the legal situation in Hungary in consideration of Hungarian peculiarities for provision. In addition to the fundamental forms of care in child hospices (end-of-life care, relief days, transit provision and day-care), the grief counseling of brothers, sisters and parents became accepted, even by families who were not related to the hospice before. After posing and stabilizing its foundation, the Hungarian palliative child hospice movement has to devote more and more energy to spread its divergent and diversified work in a wide social scope, referring to numerous fields in paediatrics. In this study, after a theoretical introduction and a general description of the work of the hospice house, we intend to demonstrate the multidimensional approach of a problem (medical, nursing, psychological) through a case study. The purpose of this multidimensional approach is to provide complete and high-level care to children and their families.
osztályvezető főorvos
It felt like coming home ...
Abstract · I was always preoccupied with these questions: how can we see the point of hospice care? What makes it outstandingly different from traditional health care? Can it be classified under BNO codes and rigorous entry criterias and squeezed into nursing time frames? How can an intensive care be chronic? I recall memories from a period of 22 years, souvenirs that keep burning in our minds as eternal flames. Why them? It was not an easy choice. The stories of most patients extend far beyond the limits of traditional hospice care, sometimes even beyond its possibilities, but it is still hospice, in every way... My personal relationships made it difficult to degrade these personal dramas into anonymous cases. I wish that the wisdom coming from these stories can help us perform fruitful work.
tanár, könyvtáros
Abstract · The life work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher of logic and language, is difficult to analyze within thanatological frameworks. This is especially true concerning the Logical-philosophical Treatise (1921), albeit one might find an implicit thanatological statement herein. Through biographical fragments and philosophical contexts, my presentation will deal with questions such as temporality and language, determinism and free will, subjectivity, self and soul. Primarily, I will provide answers regarding interpretations of death which can be reconstructed for Wittgenstein. Despite that Wittgenstein’s death concept has no widely accepted explanation, the aim of my paper is to shed light on the thanatological relevance of his philosophy. I will argue that his concept employs the specific terminology of the thanatological negotiation method and that he has a powerful, distinct concept of death.