Thanatology Review

Electronic Journal


Volume 20

Number 2 · 2016

Original article


önkéntes koordinátor, pszichológus

The role of hospice volunteering in 2016

- based on the survey of Hungarian Hospice Palliative Association

Abstract · The objective of this study is to introduce the role and the situation of hospice volunteering in Hungary. The study was made possible within the framework of Hungarian Hospice Palliative Association Volunteer Project, and by the results of a 2016 survey taken by the manager and volunteer coordinators of 88 hospice services. During the study period, we examined the number of the volunteers, their occupations, and the essential pros and cons of receiving and employing hospice volunteers according to these organizations.


mentálhigiénés és szervezetfejlesztő szakember

Volunteer management practices of Budapest hospice care providers

Abstract · As a hospice volunteer I believe, it is extremely important to dissolve taboos on death and dying. Along with many others, I strive for the acceptance of this issue in the social discourse again. For this reason, I conducted my research on the environmental conditions of hospice volunteering among the hospice care providers in Budapest; that is to say, I examined how it is possible for them to provide the organizational and system-level support of volunteering in practice. Volunteers do this awareness-raising activity in their own environment as effectively as possible, but more effort would be needed in order to achieve an overall social impact. The analysis showed that the beneficial effects of voluntary activities could be extended with a sufficient organizational background. By improving the coordination and management of volunteering, a more efficient system could be created, which would be able to employ more dedicated volunteers; and thus would increase the spectrum of hospice providers' awareness-raising activities. All this would also greatly contribute to the effective improvement of community and social mental health at the same time.