PhD, szociális munkás, gyászkísérő, gyászcsoport vezető, egyetemi adjunktus
Abstract · This study aims to provide a comprehensive picture of social work for professionals working in hospice-palliative care. It discusses in detail the scope of possible activities of social workers involved in hospice work, and explains the need for specialists and the importance of their work. Social workers are aware of a wide range of hospice care services and resources which are available to patients, so the author strives to give a detailed overview about the legislation on benefits that may apply to patients in hospice care and their relatives. The presence of social work in hospice care is a relatively new phenomenon. The main purpose of this study is to clarify the place and role of social workers within the interdisciplinary team.
PhD habil. egyetemi docens, mentálhigiénés szakember, hospice- és gyásztanácsadó
mentálhigiénés szakember, titkár
Abstract · The aim of this review is to present the current situation of the Hungarian hospice-palliative system. For this purpose, we used the results of a survey of the Hungarian Hospice-Palliative Association sent out at the beginning of 2011. The questionnaire was completed by 62 hospice providers. In addition to patient care data, the study addresses funding regulations and resources, the distribution of various patient care activities, and further training as well. Besides that, it points out the factors which hinder the development of truly high-quality hospice care in Hungary.